Want a Spoon of Sugar into Your Tasteless Cup of Life?

2 min readDec 5, 2020

Looking for something new to read this weekend? Try this book which appealed to me so great that I couldn’t stop sharing.
Searching, searching and searching. That’s my favourite part-time nowadays. This time, my search was for a book that would relieve me of all the mental pain that I am going through due to the lockdown situation. One way or the other, we all are suffering. We all need some sugar in the tasteless cup of life. So, I got my sugar, The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle. Another problem! I was unable to go out to buy the book but thanks to the internet and online books stores. I ordered the book somehow choosing a random bookstore on Facebook, doubting the quality. When I received the parcel, I got satisfied with printing and material.
So, I started the journey; reading a good book has always been an exciting journey to me. While reading the book, I came to know about what wonders my mind can do, only if, I practice to take it over. What I mean to take over my mind is to be able to stop my mind from popping up random thoughts and make it follow me. Tolle named the trick, “watching the thinker”. I won’t narrate the book in detail; instead, I will leave that to you; to dive deep into the book and find yourself “The Way Out of Pain”, “Move Deep into the Now”, find “The State of Presence”, follow the “Portals into the Unmanifested”, “Enlighten your Relationships”, find the Peace beyond Happiness and Unhappiness, and ultimately find The Meaning of Surrender to Reach the Key of Now. I hope you will conquer the realm of enlightenment after this enriching journey.

